The sleek, vibrant design of the My Passport drive comes in a wide range of bold, beautiful colors so you can pick the one that matches your own unique, personal style.

Why to buy WD 4TB My Passport USB 3.0 Secure Portable Hard Drive, Orange : WD Portable Hard Drive | External Hard Drive | Storage.white-gold WD My Passport 4TB (box,) 8-8-2017.kemudian di hardisk saya aktfkan kata sandi pas mau buka isi hardisk nya, nah pertanyaan nya apakah password tersebut bisa di jebol, dan pake ap, krn mengigat bnyk data pribadi saya Mhon bantuan nya, hardisk wd 1 tb saya hilang di curi orang.With plenty of space to store all the content you love, WD Backup™ software and password protection help keep all your memories safe and secure.

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